Oh my!! I took Caroline to meet Andrea at Chuy's tonight and let me tell you that was THE worst dining out experience I have had with her. We ended up having to leave the restaurant before finishing our meal. I totally felt sorry for the people around us and poor Andrea...she was such a trooper. Caroline would NOT sit in the highchair regardless of how many crayons we gave her, chips dipped in green sauce, toys, etc we gave her. She just wanted to sit next to her mommy, which was sweet! We tried a booster seat in the booth next to me and that seemed to work for a bit, but she soon lost interest in that as well even after her meal arrived. She just wanted to run around the place. I was getting all kinds of "nice" looks from people around us as she screamed and threw herself on the floor in true 2 year old fashion. FUN TIMES!!One lady looked at me and said sympathetically "i know how you feel....I have 4 kids." So needless to say, it was a short dinner.
So I need some advice...Thomas and I have been dealing with Caroline hitting us! She does it when she is playing and when she is upset with us. Doesn't sound like an issue she is having at school (per her teachers), but we struggle with it at home. We have tried telling her "no" and that "we don't hit", but it doesn't seem to work. I am not a proponent of spanking her when she hits us as that seems a bit contradictory and time-outs don't seem to work either. So...any advice???
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
I know we chatted about this already the other day...Z went through this phase but thankfully it was short lived. Time outs worked for us or taking away something he likes (train, car, etc).
ReplyDeleteThis is a link to a blog that I read and this mommy is going through the same thing. Read through the comments, there are TONS of ideas about what works for different people. Maybe one will work for you too! http://jessicaturnersblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/dont-hit-mommy.html
There are lots of things to try, but do your best to be consistent and try to nip it in the bud. We bought a piece of carpet that was one foot by one foot (just the perfect size for a toddler's bottom) and we put it in a time out spot so that they would have to keep their bottom on that square the entire time they are in time out. The rule is 1 minute per every year of age they are - so two minute for Caroline, right? If she keeps getting up, then just keep putting her back. She'll figure it out, but it will be difficult for you. Just stick to your guns. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI had to teach Joe about "nice touches". I would hold his hand and show him how to basically "pet" us. That worked for us.