Monday, June 15, 2009

Does the title of my blog make it sound like I am pregnant?

Thomas told me last night when I named this thing that he thought it did and then my 1st ever comment on here said the same thing. I guess I could change it if I could figure out how...let me know what you think if anyone else actually reads this thing!

So I had a rough day today. My dad has been sick all weekend. My mom was able to get him to the dr today. So the dr sends him over to get a chest xray and he ended up leaving the freakin office before he got the x-ray done because he had been waiting for 30 minutes! I was so upset when my mom told me this. I worry about him so much. He has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, which affects a lymphocyte in his bone marrow. It develops in the lymph nodes, and normally fights infection. In CLL, the DNA of the cell is damaged, so that it can't fight infection, but it grows out of control and crowds out the healthy blood cells that can fight infection. The dr says he has a really bad sinus infection, but wanted him to have the x-ray to determine if he has pneumonia or not, which they think he does. After talking with him tonight, he says he will go get the x-ray done tomorrow, but who knows what he will do when tomorrow gets here. I think he is worried that this may be something more serious. He kept saying he was more concerned about what the follow-up x-ray would show after the infection had cleared up. He is a smoker and has been for the majority of his life, so I think he thinks he may have lung cancer. I am trying to be positive, but I can't seem to get the thought out of my mind that it is more serious. I know there is no reason at this point to I pray that it is not anything more serious. So...... keep my dad in your prayers if you don't mind.


  1. I will keep your dad in my prayers! let us know how today goes for him.

    As for the title, I guess I didnt think so cause I know you are not? LOL? But, if you do want to change it, you can't change the actual web address, but you can change the title on the header which will change what shows up on people's blog list. Hope that helps!

    How was C's 1st day in new room?

  2. I am praying for you guys and your dad. Please try not to worry too much on things that you do not know for sure. Keep on him to get those tests soon! Love you and YES! I thought you were pg. Good news is that you don't have to change the title when you are :). I am excited about another bog to read!

  3. wait, so you are not knocked up?

  4. Keeping you, your dad, and your family in our prayers.

    Funny about the name. It totally sounds like you're knocked up.

  5. So sorry to hear about your dad. I hope that he listens and goes to the dr. again. We are thining about you!
