Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So I changed the title!

I don't need people thinking I am pregnant quite yet, so I changed the title of the blog. It's not very creative, but oh well.

So update on my dad...he actually went yesterday and got the x-ray done and the dr indicated that he had double pneumonia (pneumonia in both lungs). Normally they would put people with double pneumonia in the hospital, but with him having leukemia, the dr was very hesitant to do for fear of him catching something else. So..they are loading him up on antibiotics. He gets antibiotics via 2 shots every day, as well as the ones he is taking orally. He is supposed to do this through Friday and depending on how things are Friday, maybe even over the weekend. Talked to him tonight and he thinks he may be feeling a little bit better, but not much. We actually had to end our conversation tonight because he was coughing so much he thought he would throw up. KILLS me to hear him like this! His dr was also supposed to be talking to his oncologist today because he thinks that dad may need another round of chemo after he gets through this, which is contradictory to what the oncologist told them last week. So more to come on all of this. Thanks for your kind words and prayers! =)

My mom needed a break from my dad yesterday, who apparently is a very difficult patient, so she picked up Caroline early from daycare and came back to our house. Caroline just loves her Mimi. They had a blast together. It is so sweet to see them together. Mom brought her several new books for us to read to her. I hope that she decides she likes these new books because we are getting tired of reading the same books over and over again multiple times a day! There are a couple of the books that are just plain dumb and I even found some spacing errors in the book. She is VERY particular about the books she likes to read. What is funny is that she will hand you the books she wants you to read and then get upset and throw a small fit if it turns out to be one she doesn't like. One of the books she really likes is the Richard Scary's Big Book of Words. She likes the Zoo page and can actually point to all of the animals as you name them and say most of the animal names on the 2 pages. It's pretty freaking amazing to me! I have this on video and will post it once I figure that out too!

Are there any So You Think You Can Dance fans out there? I am a HUGE fan of this show! This season has started out to be one of the best I have seen. It's "buck!" Thomas refuses to watch the show...he says he will lose his man card, so I have to go to our bedroom to watch. (eye roll) I hope they go on tour again after this season. I am so there! Watching the show makes me want Caroline to want to dance so bad!! Can't wait to start her in dance classes...she will look cute in her little ballet outfits!

Well that's all for tonight!


  1. lol! love that comment about how much you want C to dance. I am in the same boat. I love that show so much it is scary. I look forward to it all day long on wed and then I watch each dance twice, so I can focus 100% of my attention on each dancer. I am hoping to get jules in dance this sept at a mommy and me class in kwood, she is all set with her purple tutu!

    great post by the way, don't underestimate yourself!

  2. Trust me, Thomas lost his "man" card a long time ago. And I mean BEFORE he started watching Project Runway.

  3. Hey Amy! I saw your blog link via FB (so I dont sound too stalkerish). :-) Very awesome blog! Your daughter is adorable! You have the cutest family. (You look great, too, btw.)

    I saw your SYTYCDance comment. I LOVE that show! Dale and I both watch it (he may not admit it) and we love it! Evan and Kayla are my favs.
